11 May 2008..After 20 hours of long journey from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, we arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport. My wife and I are very afraid of the immigration security screening process.Well.. we are MUSLIM..Many people said that MUSLIMS will be detained at the airport for the security pupose..Since
the “11 September” incident in the United States..

They all are very prejudice towards the MUSLIMS..In the flight, I keep on going recite prayer “Doa” that everything will go smoothen with the Security immigration.. Alhamdulillah..Everything went well..But they have to check our laptop, jacket and all the hand luggage for gun or bomb residue powder. Well we have to wait for another 6 hour for our next flight to St.Paul, Minnepolis...We are very tired and exhausted…and the weather also quite cold for us..It is 12 degree celcious..
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