
Esok harinya, kami para bapak dan mak ni duk layan Wii.. seronok juga, peluh pun keluar (ni kes Aiman dan abgfiz main boxing, peluh peluh abgfiz..)
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Yang ni tak boleh laghi..suka sangat pakai tudung. Hatta kopiah ayah atau topi pun nak pakai jugak! Yang bagusnya, kalau dipakaikan tudung, susah dia nak buang.. Yang tak berapa bagusnya..habis disepah-sepahkan tudung-tudung saya dan dia!
Nampak je tudung dia, terus pakai..senget pun sengetla...
By Sally ClintonWe've recently received a lot of requests from members who are interested in finding out which cheeses are vegetarian. Others have asked for information about dairy products in general. As a result, we've compiled the following information about cheese companies that do carry vegetarian cheese, and a brief explanation of some of the reasons many vegetarians choose not to consume cheese or other dairy products.
WHY WOULDN'T CHEESE BE VEGETARIAN?!?A crucial ingredient in the production of most commercial cheeses is an enzyme that comes from the lining of the stomach of calves,called rennet. Sometimes an enzyme from pigs is also used. Obviously, this is of concern to vegetarians, since these are products obtained from slaughtered animals. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, `rennet' is actually the lining of the fourth stomach of calves and other young ruminants, but this term is also used to refer to the enzyme that is extracted from the stomach lining for use in making cheese. `Rennin' is another word for this enzyme, although it is less commonly used. These enzymes are important because they are the ingredients that cause milk to coagulate and eventually become cheese. Following is a very informative letter we received from the Consumer Service Department of Kraft General Foods, Inc., which clearly describes the role animal enzymes play in the production of cheese. We are grateful to Ellen Schwarzbach of Kraft for taking the time to give us such a thorough explanation."Thank you very much for asking if Kraft cheese products contain any animal derivatives. Our comments here apply only to products produced in the United States. Many cheese products produced in the United States do contain a coagulating enzyme derived from either beef or swine. The process of changing fluid milk into cheese consists of coagulating the milk by one of two commonly used methods, each resulting in cheese having distinct characteristics.The most common method of coagulating milk is by the use of an enzyme preparation, rennet, which traditionally was made from the stomachs of veal calves. Since the consumption of calves for veal has not kept pace with the demand for rennet in the preparation of cheese, a distinct shortage of this enzyme has developed. Consequently, a few years ago it became a common practice to mix the rennet extract from calves' stomachs with a pepsin enzyme derived primarily from the stomachs of swine. These enzymes convert the fluid milk into a semi-solid mass as one of the steps in the manufacture of cheese. This mixture of calf rennet and pepsin extract is quite commonly and widely used within the United States.A more recent development in this area has been the use of enzymes derived from the growth of pure cultures of certain molds. These are termed microbial rennets. They are commonly used for the production of certain types of cheese and contain no animal products. Kraft Domestic Swiss Cheese (any Kraft Swiss not labeled "Imported" from a foreign country) is made with microbial rennet. Apart from Kraft Domestic Swiss Cheese,it is almost impossible for us to assure you that any hard cheese product which you might purchase from Kraft or any other American source is absolutely free of animal-derived enzymes.The other method of coagulating milk is the result of the growth of pure cultures of bacteria in the milk and the development of lactic acid. These cheeses have distinctly different characteristics from those produced using the coagulating enzymes. Our cream cheese products under the PHILADELPHIA BRAND name (brick, whipped and soft varieties) and Kraft Neufchatel Cheese fall into this category. Kraft does not use coagulating enzymes in cheese of this type, but we cannot be sure what other manufacturers may use. Our process cheese and process cheese products are made by grinding and blending. With the aid of heat, cheese is made by either one of the two methods of coagulating mentioned above. Therefore, it is impossible for us to assure you that a given American-made process cheese product is free of animal-derived enzymes including pepsin and/or rennet."As this letter states, enzymes are now available which are not animal derived called `microbial enzymes.' Information obtained from Walnut
Acres Company states that microbial enzymes are `a cultured strain of bacteria that digests protein.' It is neither animal nor vegetable but in a class by itself. Microbial enzymes are the same as those often referred to as `vegetable enzymes' or`vegetable rennet.' These terms were originally used to clarify that the enzymes were not of animal origin. Technically there is no such thing as `vegetable rennet' since rennet, by definition,comes from animals, and so `vegetable rennet' is a contradication in terms. We sent 111 letters to cheese companies around the country asking whether or not their cheese products contain animal enzymes or any other products of slaughter. Both commercial and alternative cheese companies were questioned. We received 28 responses, and additional information was obtained from a few other companies through phone calls. In general, the majority of answers that we received were from the smaller alternative and gourmet cheese companies. We contacted every national cheese company for whom we had an address; however, undoubtedly some were missed. Please let us know if you are aware of any other sources of vegetarian cheese that are not listed here. Our apologies to those companies who do have vegetarian cheese that we missed.
READ THE LABELDue to the widespread use of rennet and other animal enzymes in the production of cheese, we can only assume that for the companies that did not respond, these substances are probably used. This is especially likely to be true for the large commercial cheese companies. Most cheese products should list the ingredients on the label. Some companies will specifically list `rennet' or `rennin' while others might just say `enzymes.' Other terms to look out for include `chymosin' and `rennase.' For those that list `enzymes,'these are most likely animal enzymes. Even some cottage cheese and sour cream products contain
rennet. If a company is using microbial enzymes, it will probably state
specifically `vegetable enzymes' or `vegetable rennet.' Here is a summary of the responses we received, beginning with those cheeses that are vegetarian. These products are listed in alphabetical order by their brand name first, if applicable, then by company.
Tadi baca blog Fizah, ada pulak nama daku disebutkan~~ saranghae yo~ . Dah sebut tu, kena pulak tag.. layan jela..
1) Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
Hot? sejukla sekarang ni..suhu kat luar -3 C. Kalau cakap keluar asap ~~ jakun~
2) Upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang?
Erk... di pc ni ke? Gambar kereta..
3) Cerita pasal wallpaper tersebut.
Erk.. pc kepunyaan suamiku.. nak cite pasal gambar kereta ke?
4) Bila kali terakhir anda makan piza?
Rasanya dah berzaman tak makan... sebabnya baru tahu cheese tu tak halal.
5) Lagu paling latest anda dengar.
Dah lama tak dengar lagu.. eeh.. lastest dengar nasyid saujana tajuk.. Sendiri. dimainkan di kereta suamiku
6) Apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ni?
Sat gi nak masak, sementara Iman tido..
7) Dipanggil nama apa selain nama sendiri anda?
Ja, kakja, mekja.
8) Tag lagi 8 orang
Lama dah saya tak masukan resepi/gambar makanan.. Kali ni saje nk masuk gambar makanan(konon update blog.hahah).
Haaa... yang ni menu raya semalam. Bila cek kamera, ada pula gambar. Tak tahu sapa yang ambil. However (aloh, speaking plop..) gambar blur.. Menu : Lontong, kuah kacang (segera je.. tak ada kacang pula nak masak ^..^) rendang ayam dan homemade nasi impit..
Homemade nasi impit tu saya amik resepi mama (duk ingat-ingat lupa je..) sebabnya stok nasi impit segera dah tak ada! Ziplock plak dah habis. Nak tak nak, masak traditional way je..
Nasi Impit
3 cawan beras biasa, kat rumah pakai beras Jasmine tapi lembik. Jadi, kami guna long grain rice. (beli kat walmart/supersaver je..)
8-9 cawan air
sedikit garam
Masak nasi seperti biasa dalam periuk eletrik. Dah masak, masukan semua nasi ke dalam tupperware dan tekan-tekan dengan cling film. Ha... memang panas tapi tekan sekejap-sekejapla..satgi meletup plak tangan. Lepas tu, tutup dengan cling film. Kalau tak mampat lagi, mampatkan dengan letakan bekas tuperware satu lagi atau benda berat.. Tunggu sejuk, boleh potong. Yeay... menjadi!!
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang
Bila isteri dah tak cantik.....
by Mohd Azli Afandi on
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 10:51am
Untuk renungan dan perhatian isteri2 dan bakal
isteri... Buat Iktibar kita semua dan para suami / lelaki, renung2 kan
Kisah benar yang terjadi kepada seorang isteri... dan
ceritanya bermula begini..
"Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman ini dengan semua kerana saya ingin puan2 tahu apa sebenarnya tersirat di dalam benak sesetengah suami dan bagaimana dia melihat kita dari pandangan mata mereka. Walaupun mereka tidak pernah komplen tentang perawakan kita tetapi di sudut hati mereka mereka menilai secara diam2 dan membanding kita dengan perempuan lain.
Barangkali suami puan2 tidak begitu, tapi ini boleh jadi panduan.. Saya seorang isteri baru berusia 29 tahun dan mempunyai 3 orang
anak, Perawakan saya biasa sahaja, tidaklah hodoh, sedikit gempal setelah melahirkan 3 orang anak. Saya berkerja sebagai seorang eksekutif dan suami saya berkerja biasa saja..
Kebanyakan belanja rumah seperti ansuran rumah dan kereta, saya yang menbayarnya demi suami yang mempunyai gaji tidak seberapa.
Suami saya bolehlah di katakan menarik jika dibandingkan saya, tinggi, putih dan menarik minat ramai perempuan semasa bujangnya. Saya mengabdi diri seluruhnya untuk rumah tangga, pagi sebelum pergi kerja saya akan masak utk anak2, sarapan utk suami, saya memandu sendiri ke pejabat dan setelah balik ke rumah pada petangnya sayalah yang menyediakan segala keperluan rumahtangga.
Sepanjang perkahwinan suami tidak pernah komplen pasal
perwatakkan saya. Saya memakai tudung, dia nampak biasa saja, tetapi dia tidaklah sentiasa tertarik kepada saya semasa di rumah seperti cuba mencium saya, memeluk atau memegang saya,biasa shj kami akan bersama bila waktu malam apabila dia perlukan saya.
Baru2 ini saya mendapat tahu dia mempunyai kekasih di tempat kerja sendiri. Gadis tersebut bukanlah muda dari saya tetapi sudah berumur 30 tahun. Saya mendapat tahu juga yang suami saya
sering ke rumah gadis tersebut semasa waktu kerja. Hubungan yang terjalin nampaknya telah sampai ke tahap hubungan seks.
Bila saya bersemuka dan bertanya kepadanya, pada mulanya dia menafikan,tetapi setelah dikemukakan bukti dan sebagainya, baru dia mengaku. Saya ingin tahu kenapa dia menjalin hubungan. Apa kurangnya saya, dia akhir berterus terang mengatakan memang tiada apa yang kurang dengan saya, saya menjaga makan minum, membantu kewangan, menguruskan rumahtangga dengan baik tetapi saya hanyalah setakat itu shj tiada rangsanngan lagi bila melihat saya.
Baginya, dia kadangkala ingin bersama wanita yang di lihat cantik,menarik minat lelaki lain dan bila berjalan sama menimbulkan cemburu pada lelaki lain.Dia dengan berani memberitahu saya
bahawa teman wanitanya mempunyai kuku yang cantik, perut yang nipis, bau yang sedap, fashion yang menarik.
Sedangkan saya menurutnya walaupun tidak hodoh tetapi hanyalah wanita yang sangat biasa saja,kuku saya pendek dan kadang2 rosak kerana memasak, rambut pulak kadang2 berbau bila balik kerja kerana bertudung sepanjang hari, Perut saya pula tebal, tidak menarik di rumah bila hanya bert-shirt dan berkain batik.
Hari2 melihat saya dia merasa tiada apa yang dibanggakan tentang saya, bercakap di rumah pula hanyalah tertumpu pasal rumah, anak2.Tiada topik menarik seperti teman wanitanya yg boleh
bercakap pasal politik,carreer, mempunyai taste yang tinggi dan dapat membantu dia mengenali dunia yang baru mengaenai fashion, korporat, jadi dia merasakan seperti lelaki yang berjaya bila bersama wanita tersebut.
Memang saya akur tentang perawakan saya kerana pertama memang saya di lahirkan begini, kedua saya terlalu sibuk untuk membelek diri sendiri, ketiga saya tidak mempunyai cukup wang untuk berbelanja sepenuhnya untuk kecantikan.
Begitulah hati budi lelaki sebenarnya walau bagaimanapun kita menjaga dia tetapi dia masih mementingkan fizikal jauh di sudut hati ingin bersama wanita menarik yang boleh menbuat dia berasa bangga.
Saya telah pun berpisah dengan suami sekarang tetapi sy tidaklah duduk meratap tetapi menghadiri slimming session dan membelanjakan duit separuh untuk kecantikan bukan untk lelaki tetapi untuk kepuasan sendiri, biarlah saya pendek dan sedikit tembam tetapi saya berazam untuk menjaga kebersihan dan kelihatan menarik.
PS (Pendapat Aku) : Penting di
sini kita memahami erti perkahwinan. Perkahwinan adalah bukan tempat kita untuk berseronok-seronok dan jangan bertindak zalim dengan perbuatan kita. Perkahwinan adalah sebahagian cara utk kita mencari keredhaan Allah. Dan perkahwinan itu sebahagian dari Iman. Dan perkahwinan juga tempat kita di uji. Maka, bersabarlah
dan bertindak dengan bijak dengan penuh hikmah .
"Bagi lelaki yg berfikir utk bertindak spt ini, fikirkanlah, btp besarnya pengorbanan seorg isteri demi sebuah keluarga yg sempurna. Jadikanlah kebaikkan seseorg isteri itu sbg hiasan untuk anda, tetapi jadikanlah keburukkan seseorg isteri itu sbg t'jawab utk anda
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Saya yang kengkonon sibuk~~ hahahahaha..
p.s: entry yang entah apa-apa~~
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kerana membaca. Syukran Jazilan