Tidak lama lagi department aku akan buat "open day" yangg dikenali dengan tema "Experience The Power Of Bug".Pada hari tersebut aku akan bertugas menjaga perlumbaan lipas.Hehe..kelakar bunyi "cockroaches race".Nak tau.. JOM beramai-ramai ke "Department Of Entomology" UNL pada 21 September ini.

The Department of Entomology will hold its annual open house - Experience the Power of Bugs - on Sunday, September 21, from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Entomology Hall (formerly the Plant Industry Building), located on East Campus in Lincoln.
This year's program will feature a variety of fun and informative sessions, enabling participants to sample some of the different areas of insect science: diagnose insect-borne diseases with Dr. Bug (medical/veterinary entomology), check out native Nebraska insects (insect classification), use forensic entomology techniques to determine Who Done It? (forensic entomology), and see a collection of live aquatic insects.
Current research posters by faculty and students will be on display throughout the building, along with demonstrations in our insect genetics, toxicology, and plant-interaction labs.
Just for fun, visit the insect zoo and have the opportunity to meet and hold some very large insects. Check out the honeybee observation hive. Show your knowledge of bug trivia in Insect Jeopardy! Feeling hungry? Stop by the Hard Roach Café for an insect snack. See fly-tying in action, and root for your favorite roach in the cockroach races.
No pre-registration is necessary, admission and parking on the north side of the building are free, and all participants will have the opportunity to register for door prizes and drawings for a Canon A-470 PowerShot digital camera and an I-Home portable system for your iPod.
We hope that you will be able to join us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lisa Silberman at (402) 472-3416 or via email at mailto:insectscience@unl.edu
This year's program will feature a variety of fun and informative sessions, enabling participants to sample some of the different areas of insect science: diagnose insect-borne diseases with Dr. Bug (medical/veterinary entomology), check out native Nebraska insects (insect classification), use forensic entomology techniques to determine Who Done It? (forensic entomology), and see a collection of live aquatic insects.
Current research posters by faculty and students will be on display throughout the building, along with demonstrations in our insect genetics, toxicology, and plant-interaction labs.
Just for fun, visit the insect zoo and have the opportunity to meet and hold some very large insects. Check out the honeybee observation hive. Show your knowledge of bug trivia in Insect Jeopardy! Feeling hungry? Stop by the Hard Roach Café for an insect snack. See fly-tying in action, and root for your favorite roach in the cockroach races.
No pre-registration is necessary, admission and parking on the north side of the building are free, and all participants will have the opportunity to register for door prizes and drawings for a Canon A-470 PowerShot digital camera and an I-Home portable system for your iPod.
We hope that you will be able to join us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lisa Silberman at (402) 472-3416 or via email at mailto:insectscience@unl.edu
nak pegi...nak pegi.. mcm ne ek..lipas berlumba??hihi
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