Last week , I took a pesticide applicator licening test.This will allowed me to use a pesticide for research purpose. I took 3 categories which is general, structural/health pest control and wood destroying organism. All the question are in multiple choice questions.
Below are some information regarding the pesticide applicator licening:
Persons in Nebraska doing termiticide applications for hire must be licensed by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) which means that they are trained and have passed an examination. All licensed individuals have received a green and red card and must carry it when doing applications.
In general, anyone can apply general use pesticides to their own property without a pesticide license. These are the pesticides found in home and garden centers, hardware stores, groceries, drug stores, and many other locations. Exceptions to this are listed in the commercial and noncommercial applicator sections. If you farm or ranch, read the private applicator section.
A pesticide license is always required when a restricted use pesticide (RUP) is applied. The pesticide product label will clearly indicate Restricted Use Pesticide. See the applicator definitions to determine your classification if you plan to use an RUP or if you meet any of the exceptions. The state of Nebraska recognizes three types of applicators that must be licensed: private, commercial, and noncommercial.
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