Simptom bersalin~??
saat akhir kehamilan
~~ Iman dan makan
Tapi alhamdulillah sejak dua menjak ni saya dah boleh memasak tanpa Iman menangis, boleh solat dan ke toilet tanpa Iman bersama. Cuma bila nak tidur je nak saya sebelah dia, konon nak bersentuhan kulit dengan saya dulu baru boleh lena. Malam-malam Iman nya tidur di bawah : atas comforter tapi bila jaga tengah malam, automatik naik katil dan duk bawah ketiak ayah dia. Satu perkara yang sangat bagus, tak perlu duk manja-manja dengan ummi lagi. Baby dah nak keluar! Ehee~~
Menu tambahan : asam pedas yang sangat sedap dari Ain, kimbap aka sushi dari Hafizah (yang saya sempat makan 2 ketui je..huhuhuhu), kek coklat pisang dari KakNadiah dan Kek cheesechocolate (?) dari Roz.
Ubat untuk kanak-kanak
Sorry to hear that Iman is sick. If she does have a cold, it can take 7-10+ days for her to get over this. Tylenol will not help her get over her could any faster, but it may temporarily help relieve symptoms (just be very careful not to give her too much of the medication). Also, if she gets a fever over 100.4 degrees that does not go down while she has this cold, you may need to take her in to the doctor. I'm going to send you a couple of internet links to help:
1.) Tylenol:
*This give the dosage chart for small children. The last weight I had for Iman was 20 lbs 2 oz from August 18th. The Tylenol website also discusses the different types of Tylenol available, as well as the safety recalls. It is a good resource to have for you and your child.
2.) CDC's webite information on the Common Cold:
*Specifically check the section on "How To Feel Better" for other tips on how to help your child when he/she has a cold. Giving a warm bath and encouraging your child to drink fluids (such as breastmilk, water, soup broth) will help keep them hydrated and help them to feel better.
Hope that is helpful~ please let me know if you have other questions :)
I apologize as a don't think I was much help on the phone when you called to talk about Iman. I hope you were able to get her in to the doctor. Based on the symptoms you described, it sounds like Iman has had a viral infection. For her age, gastroenteritis is the most common type of virus (which means a virus in her stomach and intestines.) As stated on the phone, the fever she had means her body is fighting off the infection. I do think it is a good idea for her to see Dr. Mahmoodian or someone at People's Health Center, just to make sure Iman is not dehydrated and to make sure that she is getting better.
I did want to send you a couple websites to help you.
1. This first one is from a group of pediatric offices here in Lincoln, and I have found it to be very helpful for parents of infants and toddlers who are sick. It allows parents to pick a symptom of illness and then discusses the severity of this symptom, and what parents should do for treatment. I hope this may be a reference for you in the future. Once at this website, see the light blue box that says "Is Your Child Sick?" and then select the appropriate symptom from the drop-down list and then click "go".
2. The second website is for People's Health Center. I'm not sure if knew that they had a website. The contact information is under the tab at the top right "Contact Us"; there is also other good information on that site and it can help families understand the clinic a little better
3. The third website I think I've shared with you before (www.KidsHealth.Org); specifically this like will take you to some education diarrhea.
***Continue to monitor Iman. Offer fluids often. If she goes over 8-10 hours without having a wet diaper, I encourage you to call the doctor's office again, as we do not want Iman to become dehydrated. I also recommend calling the doctor again if Iman gets a fever of 103 or higher or if she completely refuses all fluids (breastmilk, water, juice, etc.) Hopefully her body has been strong enough to fight off this infection on its own. After several rough days, I'm sure she is very tired and will need some rest and good nutrition to build back up her strength and to resume her normal activity level.
Hang in there Izza! I know it can be very stressful taking care of a sick toddler, especially if you don't feel good yourself. I apologize that I was not in the office over the New Year holiday and I also apologize that you had such great difficulty getting a hold of People's Health Center. Please let me know if I can help.
KESIMPULAN bebelan saya ni, sepanjang kami di sini :
# bayi dan kanak-kanak sakit, tidak akan diberi ubat kalau bukan betul-betul sakit. agaknya tak nak ajar badan tu toleransi dengan ubatla kot. Biasanya, THE BEST WAY, sembuh dengan sendiri.
# ER hanya apabila betul-betul emergency.
# segala nak jumpa dr atau check up, semua kena buat temujanji. Sangat leceh!
38 weeks pregnancy
Pindah Rumah... lagi????
Iman : 18 month *_*
- thank you
- see you
- bye
- oh! no.. (yang ni selalu dia sebut kalau dia sengaja sepahkan sesuatu..)
- oh! wow.. (duk ikut wow, wow wubzzy)
- susu
- ayah.. *umi disebut mama*
- kalau tak nak sesuatu, pandai je sebut 'no!' sambil menggelengkan kepala.
p.s : oh ya, blog niaga saya sudah berada di alam internet. Itupun kecik-kecik aja dan dorongan abgfiz dan kawan baik saya, Ani. Dah banyak idea, saya tambah lagi produk..
Kehidupan dan Keceriaan ^.^

ADV: Spanx for men
hadoiii *_@ .. hari ni saya kelamkibut baaaaaanyakkkk!!!! Bermula pagi semalam, tika subuh tu entah kenapa saya pelik tengok Iman. Bangun tidur diamm je... baring-baring dan golek-golek atas comforter dia tuh. Bila pegang badan dia, rasa panas skit. Tapi cek suhu, 100++ je pun. maksudnya, demam dia tak kuatla tuh.
Dek kerana ke'tidaksedapan' badan dia, nak berdukung je semalam. Bila nak tidur, nak saya peluk dan belai dia. Aigoo~~ sempatla dia tidur dalam 10-15 min, saya terus bangun masak tengahari. Itupun masak nasi ayam hainan-konon teringin nak makan.. sbb dah makan yang jamuan NUMSA Chinese New year hari tu.
Ayamnya, saya tak rebus.. saya main kukus je. Hahaha... lantakla..asalkan jadi nasi ayam tu..
Malamnya, suhu naik sampai 104.1 F! Cuak betul saya... terus bagi tylenol 8ml. Jam 2pg, suhu turun ke 102.9 tapi jam 4 pagi tu suhu naik balik 104.2. Jam 4 pg tu juga, abgfiz start cirit birit dan muntah-muntah.. YaAllah kalut betul pagi tu.. saya pun dah tak membilang berapa kali dia ke toilet. Setiap saat dan minit, itu je tempat yang dia masuk. Dah makan pil chi kit tu pun masih cirit2 lagi. Yang hairannya, dia makan sama dengan saya makan. Tapi, saya tak kena pula.
Iman pula, asyik terjaga-jaga je. Maklumlah badan panas, susahla nak tidur. Pagi lepas subuh tadi saya telefon people health centre. Kata abgfiz, kalau tak dapat ke klinik tu, kami terus ke emergency la kot. Talian telefon pula dibuka jam 8 pagi.. nak tak nak kami try and error ke klinik tu.. Alhamdulillah, tak sampai 5 minit kami tiba, nama Iman dah dipanggil. Kali ni bukan Dr maryam (paed) Iman yang merawat tapi Dr Paul. Sangat teliti dan baik.. fikir-fikir saya ingat nak jadikan dia paed adik Iman nanti.
Abgfiz pula tak henti-henti muntah dan cirit. Agaknya dah tak ada air dalam badan. Sian sangat.. hari ni buat pertama kalinya, dia berada dirumah 24 jam. Bila dah dua-dua sakit, yang sorangnya tak tentu arah.
Hari tu Suhaizi pernah tanya pasal Spanx untuk lelaki. Yes>>>>>>>! Memang ada untuk lelaki, berminat ke? Berminat contact
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Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kerana membaca. Syukran Jazilan