Hati Ibu


Sejak Ahad lalu, Iman mula menunjukkan ketidaksihatan dirinya. Sabtu malam, Iman asyik terjaga dan menangis, kadang tu tension juga sebab tak faham kenapa dia asyik menangis. Jam 5 pg Ahad, saya pegang dia rasa panas je. Tapi masa tu terfikir tangan saya sejuk kot.. Lepas je solat subuh, saya cek suuhu Iman, waktu tu suhu Iman 101 F. Patutla Iman merengek je.. demam rupanya. Lepas bagi Tylenol, suhu alhamdulillah kembali 98.9 F. Hari Ahad tu walaupun suhu 98-99 tapi Iman langsung tak aktif, makan dah kurang berselera.

Tiba hari Isnin, suhu badan Iman semakin tinggi, 101- 102 F. Hari tu pun asyik merengek je, kesian sangat. Bila saya terbaca artikel yang visited nurse pernah bagi pasal demam.. katanya :


* is a common sign to a parent that an infant/child sick.
* in an infant/ child is a simptom, not a disease. It is the body's response to that.
* is an early warning signal that an infection may be present
* helps the body fight off the disease bu reducing the number of bacteria.

To help bring down the fever : (cara omputeh )

* remove the infant/child's cloting, leaving only the diaper or light clothing

* keep the room cool, not cold and keep the child away from drafts

* if the infant/child's fever temperature gets to 102 F, a sponge bath may be helpful. Fill the tub with 3-7 inches of
lukewarm water (depend on the size of infant/child). Sponge the water over the infant/child, especially the armpitsa and groin area. When the water starts coolor the infant/child begins to shiver, remove the infant/child and dry completely.

* NEVER use alcohol in the bath water as it may get into the infant/child's body and cause the temperature to drop too

* if the child begins to shiver, keep the infant/child warm and dry but DO NOT cover with a blanket or extra clothes as the skin needs to be uncovered to let the heat out.

* keep offering child/infant liquid : breastmilk, water, FM.

Setelah membaca dengan teliti, saya hanya lapkan badan Iman dengan towel basah sahaja. Isnin tu Iman asyik nak didukung dan dipeluk je. Oleh kerana suhu asyik turun dan naik, saya buat appoinment dengan Doc. Tapi .. inilah masalah berurusan di US, segalanya kena buat appoinment. Doc tu hanya ada masa Selasa pagi sahaja. sabar jela.. Nak ke emergency room tak tahu pulak macam mana sebab sini semuanya guna khidmat 911 (cekap dan tepat).

Selasa pulak, setelah kami jumpa Doc, kata nya Iman mungkin terkena virus kebetulan belakang badan Iman timbul rash merah-merah dan kering kulitnya. Tapi alhamdulillah setelah jumpa Doc, Iman dah aktif macam biasa walaupun suhu badan 102.9 F!

Dalm kesusahan hati saya ni, saya emailkan pada nurse tentang Iman.. dia membalas :

Good morning Izza~

I'm glad you gave Iman some Tylenol to help
with her fever. Has Iman had a fever for over 24 hours? How are you taking her temperature? (ear, mouth, armpit, or rectal?)

It is a good sign if she is still playing, eating, and sleeping normally. A slight fever can be a good thing, as it usually means a person's body is fighting off a mild infection. I would recommend calling the doctor's office this morning if Iman's fever continues to spike above 101 degrees. Also let the doctor's office know that you've been trying Tyleonl.

I'm also sending you a link to a website that talks about children and fevers. I hope that it is helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Hari ini pula, hari Rabu.. badan Iman tiba-tiba ditumbuhi bintik-bintik merah. Kebetulan saya telefon mama bertanyakan hal ini, kata mama ianya mungkin campak. TETAPI.. Iman dah tak demam. Masalahnya bintik-bintik tu dah sampai ke muka, kaki je belum. Kesian sangat.. satu hari hati saya duk risau je. Pagi tadai saya telefon visited nurse dan dia janji akan datang jam 2 petang untuk tengok bintik-bintik tu.. sebelum tu dia bagi email, katanya :


Here are a couple of websites that give information on
chicken pox:

-I'm guessing the rash is related to the virus that is passing
through Iman's system, and not chicken pox. Iman would have had to been exposed to someone else with the chicken pox (varicella virus). I actually recommend calling over to the MD's office this morning and let them know that she now has a rash, but that her fever is decreased and see if the doctor wants you to bring her in. Otherwise, I'll plan on seeing you between 2:00 & 3:00 p.m.

Setelah nurse datang tengok, tilik serta merenung, ternyata itu bukan chicken pox. Ummp, chicken pox dan campak tu sama ke? Rasanya beza kan? Kalau campak macam rash ke? macam ruam peluh ke? Walaupun Megan (nurse) cakap dia tak risau sangat sebab katanya Iman aktif, suhu turun TAPI saya masih risau. Jadi saya buat keputusan untuk berjumpa Doc besok, lepas abgfiz habis exam.

Pula, tengahari tadi Iman asyik menangis, tidur tak nak, dukung tak nak , saya tak tahu nak buat macam mana. Sudahnya saya dukung sambil jalan-jalan (dalam rumah) baru diam sikit. Apakah simptom Iman itu??

Muka demam Ahad lalu..

p.s: mood berblog dan acces internet serta berfb sangat menurun. maafkan saya jika komen -komen tak terbalas

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Ummi Shira (AshAnas) said...

iman jd mcm anas hr tu kot... ni entry akak ttg tu...

annie said...

taktau nk recommend apa...cume dpt bdoa supaya iman cepat sembuh, n ummi tak susah hati.
take care =)

Ummi Hanie said...

ciann cik adik Iman..

akk skrg ni dok bagi anak2 scotts..akk2 sndiri makan,sbelum trjadi flu la especially..kan kita dpt tau rasa2 mcm nk flu tu kan..akk gogok je dr botol..amik kau ! hehe...

betul la izza buat tu..tuam2 , lap je dgn kain basah especially kat kepala n ketiak.tu petua org tua2..air asam jawa pun buleh gak

hmm maybe cik adik Iman nk pandai sumthing le dh brape?Zaid dah 4 ..sat je.aritu tgk baru 2,tau2 dah 4 !syok le dia menggeget

aLyNnZ said...

urmm ciannyer iman..rasanyer ni n3 pertama iman x shat..tgk tuu pic iman pun x pandang camera..
slalunyer iman riang ceria..chiken pox ruam merah yg besar2..demam cacar kuar cam bintik2 kecik jer..

semoga iman cepat shat yerr..rajin2 makan ubat tau..

aLyNnZ said...

auntie rasa imam nk jd lebih bijak nk pandai sesuatu nie..sama lar cam danish hr tuu demam gak rupanyer nk pandai berjalan..

last 3 weeks danish demam panas alin pun lumur bdn danish ngan asam jawa..pastu rajin2 lap bdn iman yer..

yatie chomeyl said...

get well soon Imman. kind of agree dgn alYnnz, iman nok pandai jale kot sbb baby SN hari tu deme berat jugop, alih2 lepas smebuh deme teru spandai jale hehe

Anonymous said...

get well soon. just keen on monitoring for red flags, even 1 simple red flag, cepat2 gi jumpa GP eek.

we're fighting flu jugak ni, winter is almost here & 3branak dah mula bersin2. for miya, i feel breastfeeding really helps her to recover faster.

eh dunno if u got the news about the Tylenol recall. a voluntary recall has been issued for more than 40 over-the-counter medicines for children. The brand affected by the recall include: Tylenol Infants’ Drops, Children’s Tylenol Suspensions, Children’s Tylenol Plus Suspensions Motrin Infant Drops, and many more. for more info check here

Chik Na said...

kut-kut fake measle...rupanya cam ruam-ruam halus...sufia pernah kena dulu.. dr biasa pun ingat ruam biasa..bila pergi kids specialist, dr kata fake measle.. dr tu siap bukak buku tunjuk dan explain pasal fake measle nih kat akak

Ummi Aisyah || Cik Yah said...

kesiannya..simptom cam campak jer..dia nangis sbb badan dia gatal2 kot..hope cpt2 sembuh..

Anonymous said...

kalau naik campak kat negara sejuk ni gatalnya tidak la seteruk tmpt panas, cuma kena berjaga2 la supaya suhu badan x naik tinggi sgt.
pakai kool fever tu elok la tu. anak2 akak semuanya guna kool fever jer

Nurul Izza said...

ash anas: tq, noted.

ani: amin..dah sembuh alhamdulillah

kakhanie: oo scoot? iza xpulak tau.sini ade ke x. kalau msia iza jrg beli.kalau beli xmakan.hehe xsedap..

gigi iman xsebanyak zaid.1 je yg br nampak.kuikui

alyynz: oo kalu dmm lumur air asam jawa eh? xtau pon.xpe next time nk try

alin, iman pandai dh. pandai duk nak berdukung je..=(

Nurul Izza said...

yatie : amiin

mama miya..: tq 4 the really helpful

chik na: measle tu apa eh??


fa10: tula..xberani nk bg byk ubat..

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kerana membaca. Syukran Jazilan