You brighten up my life
With memories and dreams
As the years pass
They get better it seems
How fortunate I am
To have a husband like you
Someone I love so much
Who's love is so true
You're shown me
In so many ways
That your love is mine
Until the end of my days
I love you for this
more than I show
I hope by my actions
This you do know
I Love you
Happy 2nd Anniversary My Love!!!

owh sweet nya
selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan yg kedua buat kalian
semoga terus mahabbah mawaddah warahmah ;)
Happy Anniversary!!!!
kak eja and lina: thank you so much..
Happy second anniversary!!
ani: tq..amboiiii bergaya seh dgn spec tuh..import dr jepun gak ke?? ;D
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