My new secondhand car

Alhamdulillah, selepas hampir 3 bulan tinggal disini aku membeli sebuah kereta terpakai dari kawan aku yang duduk satu pejabat dengan aku. Dia beli kereta baru, jadi dia jual kereta lamanya pada aku.Kereta tu adalah kereta Honda Accord LX 92 sedan.Murah la juga dia jual, $ 500. Kereta tu padanlah dengan harganya. Ada masalah sedikit dengan break. Hari tu aku bawa berasap tayar depan sbelah kanan. Ingatkan "overheating", rupanya maslah dengan break.Aku dah servis break tersebut. Sekarang masalah utama kerteta ni, minyak hitam asyik leaking je. Biarla, kalau nak baiki akan mencecah seribu dollar..Baik aku beli kereta lain.Lagipun tak ada budjet nak baiki. Cukuplah aku "topup" minyak hitam bila dah kurang.Lagipun, bukan aku guna setiap hari.Aku guna bila nak beli barang2 dapur je dan jalan2 degan isteri aku dalam kawsan bandar aku je. Tak berani aku bawa jauh2. Jadi tak perlulah aku bawa beg besar naik basikal ke kedai beli barang dapur. Apa2 pun, pengangkutan utama aku adalah basikal.Senang nak parking.Kalau dengan kereta, tempat parking pun kena bayar dalam kampus.

Ujian praktikal memandu, 3 kali ambil baru aku lulus. Sini undang2 jalan raya lain dari Malaysia.Lagipun sini tempat duduk memandu disebelah kiri. Kekok la jg mula2 bawa. Aku pun tak kisah gagal.Kalau gagal, esok ambil la lagi sampai lulus.Sebab tak perlu bayar pun nak ambil ujian.Bayar bila lulus untuk buat Kad Lesen Memandu. je. Kalau di Malaysia, setaip kali gagal dan perlu mengambil ujian memandu baru, seratus lebih la kena bayar. Jawabnya jangan gagal bila pertama kali ambil ujian memandu.

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Hexapod Herald

Di "department" aku menerbitkan buletin setiap 3 bulan sekali yang dipanggil "HEXAPOD HERALD" Kali ni terpampang wajah aku dalam muka depan buletin sebagai menyambut kedatangn pelajar baru ke "DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY". Rasa bangga pula bawa nama "Universiti Sains Malaysia" ke sini. Apa2 pun, banyak tanggungjawab dan amanah yg aku pikul kesini. Kena belajar bersungguh.InsyaAllah, aku akan buat yang terbaik mungkin, Moga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan ku disini Di sini kalau dapat gred B-, maknaya gagal. Maka perlulah repeat subjek tersebut. Perjuangan baru bermula..It is just the beginning...

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Dua ibu bapa tak boleh derhaka

Serangkap pantun CEKAK dibawah banyak pengertian tersirat. Kedua ibu bapa kita perlu sentiasa kita hormati dan kasihi. Jangan sesekali kta menderhaka, mengecewakan dan mengecilkan hati kedua ibu bapa kita.
Alhamdulillah, berkat doa kedua ibu bapa, kita berjaya hingga ke peringkat ini. Apa2 jua kita lakukan..Sebesar mana pangat dan harta kita.Jangan sesekali kita lupakan jasa kedua ibubapa kita.Tanpa mereka siapalah kita. Mereka membesarkan kita dengan penuh kasih sayang dan harapan.
Tinggal jauh diPERANTAUan. Membuatkan ku sentiasa teringat kepada kedua ibubapaku. Aku memanjatkan doa ,moga Allah s.w.t sentiasa merahmati dan memanjangkan umur mereka
Wahai teman-temanku, jangan lupa cium tapak tangan kedua ibu bapa kita sebelum keluar. MInta RESTU dari mereka, supaya Allah s.w.t memberkati apa jua urusan yang kita lakukan
Teman-temanku yang tinggal jauh diperantauan. Janganlah lupa utuskan berita pada kedua ibubapa dikampung. Ada masa terlapang, telefon lah mereka.Sejuk hati mereka mendegar suara kita yang jauh ini. Yang penting sekali, minta DOA RESTU dari mereka..Semoga hidup kita sentiasa dirahmati dan diberkati Allah s.w.t...
"Dua ibu bapa tak boleh derhaka,
besar jasanya kepada kita,
kalau menderhaka bahaya menimpa
di akhirat kita masuk neraka "
Pantun Silat Cekak ini telah dicipta oleh YM AlMarhum Ustaz Haji Hanafi bin Haji Ahmad dengan bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran kepada penuntut-penuntut Silat Cekak bahawa Silat Cekak lebih menekankan kepada pendidikan rohani dan jasmani yang tidak terkeluar dari landasan Islam. Menurut keterangan dari ahli-ahli Silat Cekak, pantun ini telah dicipta pada tahun 1975.

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Tornado Warning In Lincoln

Bulan lepas menyaksikan beberapa cuaca yg agak buruk di Lincoln. Beberapa amaran puting beliung (tornado warning) dan rIbut petir telah dikelurkan. Walaupun sudah masuk musim panas, tetapi pada musim panas inilah cuaca yang buruk diramalkan berlaku. Dalam bulan lepas pun telah berlaku hujan lebat yang menyebabkan banjir dibeberapa kawasan di U.S. Alhamdulillah, di tempat kami tinggal tidak berlaku apa2 perkara buruk.Cuma puting beliung yang hampir terbentuk dikawasn kami tinggal.Alhamdulillah..Alllah MAHA KUASA.Tiada kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku.Di bawah adalah video puting beliung yang hampir terbentuk di atas bumbung rumah kami. Gambar video ini diambil oleh rakan saya yg tinggal selang 3 rumah dari kami..

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Nebraska Driving License

Yesterday I took a written test for applying the driving license. Only consist of 25 multiple choice questions. I took the test on the spot using the touch screen computer. I have passed the written test. Only took five minute for me. S0 they provide me the “Learner Permit”. This will allow me to practice drive with a person who had already have a driving license. Next week I will take the practical test. Actually, I could take a practical test on the spot to If I have a car with me. But I do not have a car. Over here, to get a driving license is very easy. Not like in Malaysia, where we have to take almost 12 hours of theory class. Then a couple more hours for practical driving lessons before the real driving test. The driving school in Malaysia made a lot of money. In U.S, to gain a driving license is very easy. No payment for the test. Only made the payment when you want to gain your driving license card or permits. The driving license can be use as identification card. So I don’t have to bring my passport here and there.

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Minimize Termiticide Application By Using Traditional Conventional Corrective Treatment Method To Control Subterrenen Termite Infestation

Termites or white ants, in some countries, were from the Order Isoptera. Culliney & Grace (2000) reported that there are more than 2700 species of isopteran in the world. In Peninsular Malaysia alone, there are about 175 species of termite from 42 genera (Tho, 1992). Termites can be classified under three main groups; dampwood termites, drywood termites and subterranean termites. The most destructive is subterranean termites and termite control is generally focused only on to this group (Abdul Hafiz & Mohd Hadzri, 2007).

“Knowledge and understanding of subterranean termite foraging biology and ecology could help in their detection and control"

In addition, subterranean termite is a cryptic insect. Knowledge and understanding of their biology, foraging area and the ecology help a lot in their detection and control. Thus the right choice of type of termiticide and the proper way in termiticide application technique are important to ensure the job efficacy. Recently, some of the pest control company proposing to their client a minimum internal drilling liquid termiticide application method. As we all have been told that traditional application technology associated with soil barrier treatment is destructive to property owners and needs the use of a high amount of finished product because it specifies a thorough and uniform application to the interior and exterior of the building by drilling holes through the slab near to the beam foundation (Potter and Hillery, 2003; Hu and Hickman 2006; Abdul Hafiz & Abu Hassan, 2006; Abdul Hafiz et al, 2006; Abdul Hafiz et al, 2007).

According to Potter and Hillery (2003), it is believed that the application of repellent termiticide can be more destructive to property due to the traditional application method. With the new non-repellent termiticide in the market, the termiticide can be applied as minimum as possible solely around the exterior building perimeter plus limited interior, especially at the termite infestation area. The method is practice by some of the pest control due to the unique character of the termiticide. The delayed mode of action permits transfer of this toxicant from exposed termites to unexposed nest mates through social interactions including mutual grooming, thus causing secondary mortality in subterranean termite population (Potter & Hillery 2003; Hu & Hickman, 2006; Gurbel et al, (2006); Abdul Hafiz et al, 2007a,b).
Preparing the termiticide solution

“Termiticide advantages of the unique character of its delayed mode of action”

Recently, the termite control team from School Of Biological Sciences, USM had conducted a field trial with the new non-repellent termiticide, Premise 200SC. The study showed a very promising results, where all the structures were treated as minimum interior drilling as possible showed full control of the foraging population inside the structure within 3 months (Abdul Hafiz et al, 2007a,b). However, to apply this method, termite foraging study need to be conducted to determine the foraging territory, population size and the numbers of the termite colony infested the building. In addition, this study also showed that placement of the termiticide directly in the vicinity of an entry point of foraging termites was the most important determinant for full control of termites.
As a conclusion from this study demonstrates that the minimum internal drilling method will minimizing the termiticide usage, less number of holes on the floor, less chemical & labor cost and more time saving. More important is less chemical into the environment but still provide effective and longer protection where it is a good option to pest control. Nevertheless, in termite control, IPM program is a must such as moisture management, inspection, monitoring, education, and collaboration of all termite-affected parties.

Abdul Hafiz, A.M & A. Abu Hassan (2006). Transfer effect of Premise 200SC containing imidacloprid on subterranean termites population (Coptotermes gestroi) (Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae). , pp. 55. Proceedings, 1st USM-Penang International Postgraduate Convention, 3rd Life Sciences Postgraduate Conference, 24-27 May 2006, Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang, Malaysia (abstract only).
Abdul Hafiz, A.M , Abu Hassan Ahmad, M.Z.A, Abdul Rashid (2006). Field Efficacy of Premise 200SC Against Coptotermes gestroi (ISOPTERA: RHINOTERMITIDAE) and Globitermes sulphureus (ISOPTERA:TERMITIDAE) in Seberang Perai and Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia. pp., 82. Proceedings,The 11th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress,Bangkok, Thailand. December 15-17, 2006
Abdul Hafiz, A.M & A. Mohd Hadzri (2007). Kaedah penyampelan, pemerangkapan dan pemantauan anai-anai di lapangan., pp. 118-125. Prosiding, Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi Makmal Ke-8, 25-26 April 2007, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
Abdul Hafiz, A.M , Abu Hassan Ahmad, M.Z.A. Rashid & Salah Salem Gurbel, (2007a), Minimum Interior Treatments Of Imidacloprid On Subterranean Termite Control., pp. 56, Proceedings, 9th Symposium of Malaysian Society of Applied Biology, Bayview Hotel, Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. May 30th – 31st 2007.
Abdul Hafiz, A.M, A. Abu Hassan, Rashid M.Z.A. (2007b). Field Efficacy Of Imidacloprid On Subterranean Termite (Globitermes sulphureus), (Isoptera:Termitidae) in Penang_ Short Communication J.Bioscience, 18(2), 25 –30, 2007- in press
Culliney, T.W. & Grace, J.K. (2000). Prospects for the biological control of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), with special reference to Coptotermes formosanus. Bulletin ofEntomological Research No. 90, 9 – 21 (Review article).
Potter, M.F and A.E Hillery. 2003. Trench
warfare. Pest Control Technology 31(2):28-32,57,58

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UNL- Dairy Store

Last weekend, my wife and I went for an ice crean and butter cup cake at the UNL Dairy Sore. A lot variety of Ice Cream and dairy products. We ate special wafer ice cream, strawberry milkshake and butter cup cake.Very delicious.

Below are some descriptions about the Dairy Sore (Copy & Paste)
The UNL Dairy Store or Varsity Dairy, as it was once called, has been selling dairy products since 1917. If you brought your own cup to the store in the late 1920's a nickel would buy all the milk you could drink. At one time, the Dairy Store/Plant provided all the dairy products for the UNL Dormitories. Slowly over time, other suppliers were able to offer lower prices for fluid milk along with other products, so today the Dairy Store only provides products on special occasions.

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Tornado Warning In Lincoln

Bulan lepas menyaksikan beberapa cuaca yg agak buruk di Lincoln. Beberapa amaran puting beliung (tornado warning) dan rebut petir telah dikelurkan. Walaupun sudah masuk musim panas, tetapi pada musim panas inilah cuaca yang buruk diramalkan berlaku. Dalam bulan lepas pun telah berlaku hujan lebat yang menyebab kan banjir dibeberapa kawasan di U.S. Alhamdulillah, di tempat kami tinggal tidak berlaku apa2 perkara buruk.Cuma puting beliung yang hampir terbentuk dikawasn kami tinggal.Alhamdulillah..Alllah MAHA KUASA..Di BAWAHadalah video putting beliun yg hamper terbentuk di atas bumbung rumah kami..Gambar video ini diambil oleh rakan saya yg tinggal selang 3 rumah dari kami..

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Alhamdulillah, terima kasih kerana membaca. Syukran Jazilan